Thursday, March 22, 2012

my creative space - an old wip

The last time I had mojo issues, I started crocheting up some squares. So this time, I decided to do something about them!

I did think of making 11 squares work somehow as that's the number I had sitting in my wip bag. But no, you can't do much with 11 squares and have a functional finished item.

So I added a square. And that one square made all the difference. 

I ended up with this whimsical, too-pastel-for-me, quite summery bag.

No lining necessary, because that's how I like it. The cotton is pretty tough and the fabric is strong. It makes me think of going to the market! And it looks like usual Jeddah weather is BACK!

Here are some beautiful and more sophisticated looking projects using the same square.  

This one is not a square but a hexagon made using a similar method.

I'm quite sure at this moment in time, that I will not use this bag for myself and that someone else in my household will take ownership of it. I have to get used to that when there are three of us girls in the house! There is an up side though. On Tuesday, they teamed up and produced a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the very.first.time with NO supervision and then yesterday the eldest (she's 12 now) cooked a tuna pasta bake for lunch, again no supervision. I think they did a superb job of feeding the family Ma sha Allah! 

More creative spaces here.

Ok, on second thoughts ... maybe I will use the bag. It seems to be growing on me!


  1. love the colors you used for your bag! I pulled my bag out again last week, I didn't line mine either :)

  2. In my flu ridden state with no energy for anything else i actually sat down and started to make some of these little sweeties..I've almost got half a bags worth already...

    very nice, MASHAALLAH, want to make one too, INSHAALLAH. btw please check your mail.

  4. A very colourful cheerful bag I think you should keep it to cheer you up on dull days :)

  5. Your bag looks fabulous! How great to have such helpful daughters masha'Allah xx Emma

  6. Hi from a new follower! I saw your gorgeous bag on icrochet. Please pop by my blog if you get a min :) Maggie xx


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