Friday, March 30, 2012

my creative space

... was in the kitchen, cooking up some roast chicken and apple crumble for dinner at my Mum's.

It might not be very creative but while spending time in the kitchen, I've been inspired to use some hessian burlap, for a project!

Still boring? I will have to be excused. This week was pretty much all go, as it started with a trip to Yanbu, continued with some graphic design work and ended with entertaining guests.

So shall I show you Yanbu then to make up for things a bit?

It's a small, coastal city about 3 to 4 hours drive from Jeddah.  
We had a little pit-stop at a local park.

And then spent the day at the beach.

A make-shift barbecue!

We were fortunate enough to enjoy lovely hotel facilities too ma sha Allah!

The view as we left the city. 

Pipes and tanks full of oil ready to be shipped off to the rest of the world!
We decided to be a little adventurous and stray from the highway, after checking that we had enough fuel!
We ended up here.
It was a lovely break from the highway drive.

After another stop, this time in Thuwal for a fish dinner, we arrived home at night, exhausted but refreshed. Alhamdulillah for this beautiful earth and wonderful companionship.

More creative spaces here!


  1. wow. this is such a different world to mine... so flat, the sea... wow. hello from austria :)

  2. Thank you for sharing - I feel like I took a mini-vacation in looking at the lovely photos!

  3. as salaamu `alaykum :)

    What a LOVELY post! I especially love the beach pics. My family and I along with my favourite cousins used to picnic and swim at the beach so often when I was a kid. You've made me all nostalgic! :)

  4. what a beautiful day!! you´ve gifted us with wonderful photos!thanks;)

  5. You've been nominated!

  6. Masha Allah looks like a lovely trip...i haven't been there yet,and after seen your pics, i def. will inshaAllah :) BTW, is this a jelly fish on one of the pics at the end??????

    Take care
    Kareema xx

  7. Yes Maria, the coast here is not at all mountainous but as you go inland ... lots of mountains and lots more sand! Lol!

    LM, we loved it!

    Heather, thank you and for the lovely award too! Glad you liked the pics.

    Imaan, I didn't grow up by the sea, but I love it SO much I always want to be close to it! In sha Allah!

    JenMuna, thank YOU!

    Kareema! So nice to "see" you here! Yes, you should go! And yes, lots and lots of jelly fish at that spot (that wasn't Yanbu though, it was a placed call Ar Rais).

  8. As-salaamu'alaykum my dearest sis,
    Thanks SO much for the lovely visit :)

    Love the pictures!!! and would be very interested in knowing what you plan to do with the burlap :?


  9. I just need to clarify - you were cooking roast chicken as well as apple crumble or a roast chicken and apple crumble???

  10. Farhana, it's always a pleasure visiting you!

    Megan, yep can be a bit deceiving considering I've shared just one pic. They were infact two dishes, roast chicken and the other apple crumble. Never thought to combine the two... Lol!


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