Wednesday, January 18, 2012

sweets to share

It's becoming a blog ritual! I've done it here, here and here, but I can't NOT share these with you! The photos have been lurking in the files for a couple of months now. The sweets, that were sent over from Algeria, had no such luck though!

a variety of light pastries filled with nuts




  1. Wow! I can almost taste the buttery sweetness of these pastries, especially the baklava, my favorite. Thank you for posting these pics, four words: There goes my diet.

  2. mash'Allah the cakes are impressive but not as impressive as those teacups...I love the little warmers on them!!! mash'Allah ....did you make them?!!

  3. Wow, these look scrumptious! The sweets in Jordan are wonderful, but not as decorative as these.


  4. Oh no! This looks truly amazing.
    I love Arabian sweeties. I used to eat them all the time in Chile, from a Palestinian bakery. But no such luck here in Ely, where I live...
    I miss them! :(

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone! Unfortunately they were a little "worn out" from the journey over :)

    Yes, Ines, I did make them!

    Lorena, I'm sure you can get them in London but I don't know how far that is from you!

  6. I loveeeeeee maqrout!!! And miss you. Hugs And loce


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