celebrate colour
I grew up in London. We had four seasons. We complained about the rain. But we went wherever we needed to go in it. School didn't close because of it. We didn't stay indoors because of it. Snow didn't stop us either (not most of the time). We piled the layers on and started up our heaters (and later central heating). After the cold winters we looked forward to the blossoming of flowers and the sound of bird song. We walked to school on frosty mornings while the sun shone. Then we ran after the ice cream van once the warm weather was with us. We played outside longer due to longer daylight hours. We enjoyed more picnics and barbecues. Then the leaves became brown, red and golden. We dreaded the cold of the coming winter but we enjoyed the sights and sounds of autumn. The crunch of leaves beneath our feet. Children playing conkers. I'm happy where I am but sometimes I feel homesick. Sometimes.
And then the weather changes.
I savour it.
But I still long for Autumnal colours.
And flavours.
I made this scarf and then stitched it up with a twist to moebius it up! I love this mathematical concept.
I realise I have a thing for autumnal colours!
I had hoped to join in with this colourful project. But today's the last day. Still. You can check out lots of lovely contributions here.

I'm so glad I can share Autumn (or Fall if you like) with you via cyberspace.

Sometimes in life we get thrown a curve ball. Mine is no different. This space, the sharing, colour and warmth makes it a little bit easier to stay calm and carry on!
as salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh :)
Oh I LOVE fall too - we get bits of it here in Pakistan when we see some trees turning lovely shades of russet and scarlet. I love love love your work - so functional and yet so beautiful ma shaa Allah.
The Mobius scarf... is this what they also call the infinity scarf?
salamualaikum ukhtee!
what a lovely post and such beautiful works! I really really understand your thoughts..we´re planning to go to morocco..and I know I will miss the power of the seasons, but as you say: there are many other ways and at least I hope I will be able to say alhamdulillah;)
yours sis:)
I really do miss the colors and smells of Fall. Around here, everything looks the same all the time, no matter the weather. Thankfully the temps have cooled down. Now the growing season begins. Hope your day is great. Best wishes, Tammy
Hi again! Your writing is very poetic! I enjoyed reading this post.
Regards! saludos!
Beautiful photos!
oh masha`allah i`m loving the colors
Amazing colours and Crochet!love it!
Replying from my blog:
I am free every other Thursday morning (alternate). Was free today so will be busy the coming one. what did you have in mind? May be we can arrange something.
Imaan, I loved your positive post on seasons and yes it is indeed a version of the infinity scarf.
JenMuna, I'm sure you will miss all the colours that you are used to but in sha Allah you will love the ones in your new home.
Tammy, yes, this region is cooling down beautifully.
Thank you Lorena, Rachel and Umm Imran.
Aysh, will let you know as soon as I can sort something out. Prob a craft morning! :)
That is a beautiful scarf! And great writing too...
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