currently loving ...

This beautiful crocheted top! In perfect colours!
That I can make my brown couscous and peas much more exciting with some pomegranate!
It did the same for my salad too, just like Joy's.
I love this yarny gift wrapping!
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A friend and I were just talking about how we like pomegranate in something, not just to eat by itself. Your couscous and salad look delicious! Hope you had a happy Eid holiday. Best wishes, Tammy
Marhaba! Hi!
I am writing form England, I found you in a blog form a Portuguese girl and also I saw in your blog you follow Attic 24 – the goddess of Crochet! Jaja. I too!
I am Lorena, from Chile but I live in the uK. Parts of my ancestors are from Syria and I have very good Arabian friends back in Chile. The rest of my family is with Spanish root, but after all , I was born and raised in hot, sunny, Mediterranean Chile.
I love your stuff, your crochet and the food. I will keep visiting! Thanks! Chucran
hm the couscous looks so good with the pomegranate!(the salat too!)lovely inspirations, thank you!;)
As-salaamu'alaykum my dearest sister,
How's YOU?
Yuppers.. I'm digging that top's very pretty!!
Unfortunately pomegranates are out of season at my end, but I'll keep this in mind.. really like the idea..thank you.
Love Farhana
Delizioso blog
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